
Guide to the Collection

Restrictions on Access

The Gerry E. Studds papers are stored offsite and must be requested at least two business days in advance via Portal1791. Researchers needing more than six items from offsite storage should provide additional advance notice. If you have questions about requesting materials from offsite storage, please contact the reference desk at 617-646-0532 or

One box of original correspondence is closed to researchers until 1 Jan. 2033. Redacted photocopies are available for use.

Collection Summary


This collection consists of the legislative, campaign, and other political papers of Rep. Gerry E. Studds, U.S. Congressman from Massachusetts from 1973-1997, including speeches, statements, press releases, newsletters, correspondence, newspaper clippings, briefing books, voter surveys, scrapbooks, and other papers.

Biographical Sketch

Rep. Gerry Eastman Studds (D-Mass.) was born 12 May 1937 in Mineola, N.Y. and grew up in Cohasset, Mass. He received his bachelor's and master's degrees from Yale University, then worked as a foreign service officer for the U.S. State Department (1961-1962); an assistant to President John F. Kennedy (1962-1963) and to Senator Harrison A. Williams, Jr. (1964); and a teacher at St. Paul's School in Concord, N.H. (1965-1969). In 1968, Studds coordinated the New Hampshire presidential primary campaign of Senator Eugene McCarthy and served as a delegate to the Democratic National Convention. His first campaign for the U.S. House of Representatives in 1970 was unsuccessful, but he was elected two years later to the 93rd Congress to represent the 12th district (redistricted to the 10th in 1983). His 24-year tenure in the House (1973-1997) included service on the Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee and the Foreign Services Committee. He was a vocal advocate for the environment, fisheries and wildlife conservation, the Coast Guard, health care, and many other causes, as well as an early leader in the gay and lesbian fight for equal rights and HIV/AIDS prevention. He proposed the creation of the Boston Harbor Islands National Recreation Area and fought for human rights in Central America. Studds was the first openly gay Congressman in the United States. In 1983, he was censured by the House for a consensual relationship with a 17-year-old page ten years earlier.

Gerry Studds married Dean T. Hara on 24 May 2004 and died 14 Oct. 2006 in Boston, Mass.


For information on Gerry E. Studds, see the Biographical Dictionary of the United States Congress here:

Collection Description

This collection consists of the legislative, campaign, and other political papers of Rep. Gerry E. Studds, U.S. Congressman from Massachusetts from 1973-1997. Among the legislative papers are speeches, statements, press releases, newsletters, correspondence, subject files, and other papers related to Studds' work in the House of Representatives on issues such as the environment, foreign policy, gay rights, etc., including his service on the Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee and the Foreign Services Committee. Campaign papers consist of chronological files and briefing books documenting Studds' Congressional campaigns and his political positions, as well as voter surveys containing detailed data on his constituents' attitudes. The collection also contains scrapbooks and printed matter related to Studds' life and career, including an early biographical scrapbook compiled by his mother, Beatrice (Murphy) Studds; diplomas, awards, and commendations; and papers from Eugene McCarthy's New Hampshire presidential primary run in 1968.

Acquisition Information

Gift of Dean T. Hara, June 2014, Dec. 2014.

Restrictions on Access

The Gerry E. Studds papers are stored offsite and must be requested at least two business days in advance via Portal1791. Researchers needing more than six items from offsite storage should provide additional advance notice. If you have questions about requesting materials from offsite storage, please contact the reference desk at 617-646-0532 or

One box of original correspondence is closed to researchers until 1 Jan. 2033. Redacted photocopies are available for use.

Detailed Description of the Collection

I. Legislative papers, 1971-2008

This series consists of papers documenting Gerry Studds' service as U.S. Congressman from the 12th and later 10th districts of Massachusetts, including his tenure on Congressional committees.

A. Speeches and statements, 1971-1996

Arranged chronologically.

This subseries contains typescript and printed speeches, statements, and articles/op-eds by Gerry Studds. Papers in this subseries relate to foreign policy, including Nicaragua, El Salvador, and the Persian Gulf; arms control; the environment; wildlife conservation; fishing and fisheries; the Coast Guard; energy policy; economic issues; HIV/AIDS; gay rights; health care; and many other issues. Included are statements by Studds printed in the Congressional Record; speeches delivered at various events; and annotated drafts of weekly radio blurbs, 1973.

Subseries I.D. also contains speeches and statements related to select subjects.

Carton 1SH 19FI 2Folder 1-47

Speeches and statements, 1971-1996

Carton 1SH 19FI 2Folder 48-49

Radio statements, 1973

Carton 1SH 19FI 2Folder 50-52

Statements on HIV/AIDS, 1983-1996

Carton 1SH 19FI 2Folder 53-56

Statements on gay rights, 1983-1996

B. Press releases and newsletters, 1973-1996

Arranged chronologically.

The bulk of this subseries consists of press releases and newsletters produced by Gerry Studds' office during his tenure in the U.S. House of Representatives. Included are press releases related to the environment, marine and fisheries matters, economic legislation and jobs, transportation, energy and the oil industry, foreign affairs, the military and veterans, LGBT issues, health care, Congressional reform, and administrative matters. Specific subjects include the Vietnam War, the bombing of Cambodia, Otis Air Force Base, the impeachment of President Nixon, the energy crisis, the U.S. Coast Guard, military aid to foreign countries, the Iran hostage crisis, arms control, Studds' censure in 1983, AIDS research, gays in the military, and many others. The subseries also contains copies of select statements and correspondence; issues of Studds' newsletter Report to the People and other printed matter; and the results of a survey conducted by student intern Thomas A. Leavitt in 1976 about the relationship between Studds' press office and print media in his district.

Carton 2SH 19FJ 3

Press releases, 1973-1984

Carton 3SH 19FK 4

Press releases, 1985-1994

Carton 4SH 19FL 5Folder 1-6

Press releases, 1995-1996

Carton 4SH 19FL 5Folder 7-10

Printed newsletters and reports, 1973-1994

Carton 4SH 19FL 5Folder 11

"The Results of a Questionnaire Sent to All Members of the Print Media in the 12th Congressional District," 16 May 1977

C. Correspondence, 1987-1997

Arranged chronologically.

Carton 4SH 19FL 5Folder 12-13

"Dear Colleague" letters, 1987-1995

Included are form letters from Gerry Studds to his colleagues in the U.S. House of Representatives requesting their support for proposed legislation.

Subseries I.D. also contains "Dear Colleague" letters related to select subjects.

Carton 4SH 19FL 5Folder 14-20

Testimonials, 1989-1997

Included are letters from various individuals and organizations thanking Gerry Studds for his participation at events and for his support of various legislative priorities, particularly LGBT issues and HIV/AIDS prevention, as well as letters of congratulations.

Carton 4SH 19FL 5Folder 21-28

Correspondence about Coast Guard prayer breakfast, 1993

Included are letters to Gerry Studds related to the Feb. 1993 U.S. Coast Guard prayer breakfast controversy. Gary Bauer, president of the Family Research Council, a conservative Christian group opposed to LGBT rights, was invited to give a speech. Studds complained to the Coast Guard, and the speech was cancelled. Papers consist of letters from both opponents and supporters of the cancellation, as well as staff memos and clippings related to the incident.

NOTE: Original correspondence is closed until 1 Jan. 2033. Redacted photocopies are available for use by researchers.

D. Subject files, 1973-2008

Arranged alphabetically.

For press releases related to these subjects, see Subseries I.B.

Carton 4SH 19FL 5Folder 29-35

200-Mile Fishing Limit, 1975-1996

Papers consist primarily of clippings related to the 200-mile fishing conservation zone established in 1977 to prevent overfishing and protect American fishing rights, as well as clippings about foreign ships seized for violating the law.

Carton 4SH 19FL 5Folder 36-45

Boston Harbor Islands National Recreation Area, 1993-2006

Papers relate to legislation, authored by Gerry Studds, to designate the Boston Harbor Islands as a national park. Included are memos, correspondence, grant documentation, notes, financial information, clippings, and promotional material.

Central America, 1981-1991

Gerry Studds served on the U.S. House of Representatives Foreign Services Committee from 1981-1987. These files contain correspondence, statements, transcripts of hearings, reports, legislation, memos, printed matter, notes, and other papers related to El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua. The Nicaragua file includes two bound reports: Preliminary Inquiry into the Sale of Arms to Iran and Possible Diversion of Funds to the Nicaraguan Resistance, by the Select Committee on Intelligence, U.S. Senate (2 Feb. 1987), and Iran Arms Sales: DOD's Transfer of Arms to the Central Intelligence Agency, by the U.S. General Accounting Office (Mar. 1987).

Carton 5SH 19FM 6Folder 1-19

El Salvador, 1981-1991

Carton 5SH 19FM 6Folder 20-21

Guatemala/Honduras, 1981-1987

Carton 5SH 19FM 6Folder 22-26

Nicaragua, 1982-1989

Carton 5SH 19FM 6Folder 27

Impeachment of Richard Nixon, 1973

Included are a few letters by Gerry Studds and printed items related to the impeachment of President Richard Nixon.

Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee, 1992-1995

Papers document the work of the Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee of the U.S. House of Representatives while Gerry Studds served as chairman. Included is a history, legislative calendar, and report on the activities of the committee, as well as correspondence, memos, statements, speeches, reports, and other papers related to clean water legislation, wetlands protection, and the Endangered Species Act. Papers related to clean water legislation include scientific and financial data and a publication entitled Clean Water Funding: Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Environment and Natural Resources of the Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries...on Achieving the Objectives of the Clean Water Act (18 Feb. 1993).

Carton 5SH 19FM 6Folder 28-32

"History of the House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries," by Carol Hardy Vincent, Kathy Dolan, and Robert Moon, 21 Dec. 1992

Carton 5SH 19FM 6Folder 33

United States House of Representatives Legislative Calendar, One Hundred Third Congress: Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries, 31 Dec. 1993

Carton 5SH 19FM 6Folder 34-37

Clean water legislation, 1993-1994

Carton 5SH 19FM 6Folder 38

Wetlands protection, 1993-1994

Carton 5SH 19FM 6Folder 39

Endangered Species Act, 1993-1995

Carton 5SH 19FM 6Folder 40

Final Report on the Activities of the Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee, 103d Congress, 2 Jan. 1995

Carton 5SH 19FM 6Folder 41

Southern Africa, 1981

Included is a typescript copy of testimony by Gerry Studds at a hearing on United States policy toward southern Africa, with a focus on Namibia, Angola, and South Africa.

Carton 5SH 19FM 6Folder 42-44

Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, 1992-2008

Papers consist primarily of clippings and promotional material related to legislation, authored by Gerry Studds, to designate Massachusetts Bay's Stellwagen Bank as a National Marine Sanctuary.

Carton 5SH 19FM 6Folder 45

U.S.S. Constitution, 1973

Included is U.S. House of Representatives Concurrent Resolution 264 (H.Con.Res. 264), "reaffirming the intent of the Congress that the United States ship Constitution continue to be berthed in the port of Boston, Massachusetts," as well as correspondence related to the issue.

E. Weekly schedules, 1991-1995

Arranged chronologically.

This subseries contains Gerry Studds' weekly agendas, prepared by his staff, entitled "What's Coming Up."

Carton 5SH 19FM 6Folder 46-52

II. Campaign materials, 1966-1996

This series consists of papers compiled and created during Gerry Studds' thirteen Congressional campaigns from 1970 to 1994.

A. Chronological files, 1966-1996

Arranged chronologically.

This subseries contains papers related to Gerry Studds' campaigns for election and re-election to the U.S. House of Representatives, from his first unsuccessful run against Hastings Keith in 1970 to his win against William Weeks in 1972 and subsequent wins through 1994. Included are letters, newsletters, newspaper clippings, press releases, promotional literature, material distributed to volunteers, memos, schedules, questionnaires, policy statements, lists of Studds' legislative accomplishments, research on his opponents, election results, endorsements, transcripts, and other papers. Material for some election years is sparse. Papers for 1988 relate to the protection of dolphins and Studds' support for conservation legislation. 1992 campaign papers include letters on LGBT issues, endorsements of Studds by gay rights organizations, material from the Democratic National Convention in New York, and papers and clippings about the re-drawing of the 10th Congressional district of Massachusetts.

The subseries also contains correspondence and other papers related to the 1968 New Hampshire primary run of Sen. Eugene McCarthy. Studds was co-chair of the N.H. McCarthy for President Steering Committee. Included are brochures, clippings, tables of voter turnout, a strategy binder compiled by Studds, and the transcript of an oral history interview conducted by Robert Terry of the McCarthy Historical Project in 1969.

This subseries includes press releases and newsletters related to Gerry Studds' campaigns. For press releases and newsletters related to his legislative work, see Subseries I.B. Series III contains two scrapbooks of material from Studds' campaigns, 1970 and 1971-1986.

Carton 6SH 19FN 7Folder 1-7

1968 Eugene McCarthy New Hampshire presidential primary, 1967-1969

Carton 6SH 19FN 7Folder 8-24

1970 campaign, 1966-1971

Carton 6SH 19FN 7Folder 25-38

1972 campaign, 1971-1973

Carton 6SH 19FN 7Folder 39-48

1974 campaign, 1973-1975

Carton 6SH 19FN 7Folder 49-58

1976 campaign, 1975-1977

Box 1SH 19FP 9Folder 1

1978 campaign, 1977-1978

Box 1SH 19FP 9Folder 2-12

1980 campaign, 1979-1980

Box 1SH 19FP 9Folder 13-19

1982 campaign, 1981-1982

Carton 7SH 19FQ AFolder 1-40

1984 campaign, 1983-1985

Carton 7SH 19FQ AFolder 41-55

1986 campaign, 1985-1986

Carton 8SH 19FR BFolder 1-13

1988 campaign, 1986-1990

Carton 8SH 19FR BFolder 14-18

1990 campaign, 1989-1991

Carton 8SH 19FR BFolder 19-43

1992 campaign, 1991-1992

Carton 8SH 19FR BFolder 44-48

1994 campaign, 1993-1996

Carton 8SH 19FR BFolder 49

Undated campaign material

B. Briefing books, 1972-1992

Arranged chronologically.

This subseries consists of briefing books compiled for Gerry Studds' Congressional campaigns and used as a resource for answering press questions or debating political issues. The volumes include statements, talking points, statistics, policy recommendations, strategies, criticism of Studds' opponents, and other material.

Carton 9SH 19FS CFolder 1-2

Briefing book, 1972

This volume covers local issues and contains material related to the towns of Barnstable, Cohasset, Dennis, Duxbury, Hanover, Hingham, Hull, Marshfield, Norwell, and Scituate.

Carton 9SH 19FS CFolder 3-10

Campaign book I, 1982

Sections include: "Summaries," "Ratings," "Reaganomics," "Budget Information," "Tax Treatment/Congress," "Balanced Budget Amndt.," "Social Security," "Economic Development," "Fishing," "Environment," "Defense," "Coast Guard," "Nuclear War," "Foreign Policy," "Social Issues," and "Questions for Conway."

Carton 9SH 19FS CFolder 11-18

Campaign book II, 1982

Sections include: "Summaries," "Ratings," "Reaganomics," "Budget Information," "Tax Treatment/Congress," "Balanced Budget Amndt.," "Social Security," "Economic Development," "Fishing," "Environment," "Defense," "Coast Guard," "Nuclear War," "Foreign Policy," "Social Issues," and "Questions for Conway." There are some differences between this volume and the 1982 campaign book I above.

Carton 9SH 19FS CFolder 19-31

Campaign book I, 1984

Sections include: "Summaries," "Economy/Budget," "Environment," "Social Programs," "Crime," "Oceans/Fish," "Coast Guard," "Censure," "Misc./Domestic," "Misc./District," ["Defense,"] "Arms Control," and "Central America."

Carton 9SH 19FS CFolder 32-35

Campaign book II, 1984

This volume covers miscellaneous issues.

Carton 9SH 19FS CFolder 36-48

Campaign book III, 1984

Sections include: "Summaries," "Economy/Budget," "Social Programs," ["Environment,"] "Crime," "Oceans/Fish," "Coast Guard," "Censure," "Misc./Domestic," "Misc./District," "Defense," "Arms Control," and "Central America." There are some differences between this volume and the 1984 campaign book I above.

Carton 9SH 19FS CFolder 49-54

Briefing book, 1984

This volume covers miscellaneous issues and includes notecards.

Carton 9SH 19FS CFolder 55-56

Briefing book supplement, 1986

This volume covers miscellaneous issues and contains material related to Gerry Studds' opponents, economic issues, etc.

Carton 9SH 19FS CFolder 57-71

Briefing book I, 1988

Sections include: "Ratings," "Bryan Bio," "Foreign Policy," "Defense," "Drugs," "Labor/Social Issues," "Gay Issues," "Elderly," "Budget," "Small Business," "Campaign Financing," "Subcommittee," "Environment," "Energy," "Aviation," "Congress," "Local," and "Referendum Question." The volume also contains notecards.

Carton 9SH 19FS CFolder 72-73

Briefing book II, 1988

This volume contains material related to the policy positions of Gerry Studds' opponent, Jon L. Bryan.

Carton 10SH 19FT DFolder 1

"The Honorable Gerry Studds Research Packet (Vol. 1)," 1990

This volume, compiled by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, contains material on Gerry Studds' voting record.

Carton 10SH 19FT DFolder 2-5

Briefing book, 1990

This volume covers miscellaneous issues.

Carton 10SH 19FT DFolder 6-12

Debate prep book, 1992

Sections include: "Open/Closing," [untitled,] "Abortion," "Accomplish[ments]," "AIDS," "Bush," "Coast Guard," "Congress," "Constituents," "Crime," "Economy," ["Education,"] "Endorsements," "Environment," "Family Values," "Foreign Affairs," "Gridlock," "Harold," ["Health,"] "Spending," "Taxes," "Trade," and "MWRA."

Carton 10SH 19FT DFolder 13-23

"Affirmative Record," 1992

This volume contains material related to Gerry Studds' voting record and GOP criticism, as well as research on his opponents Jon L. Bryan and Dan Daly.

Carton 10SH 19FT DFolder 24-25

Campaign book III, 1992

This volume covers miscellaneous issues. The "Affirmative Record" above may be campaign book I, but the collection does not include a campaign book II for this year.

Carton 10SH 19FT DFolder 26-36

Debate prep/talking points, 1992

This volume covers miscellaneous issues and includes notecards.

C. Voter surveys, 1972-1994

Arranged chronologically.

This subseries contains detailed surveys of likely voters in Gerry Studds' Congressional district, prepared for Studds' campaigns between 1972 and 1994. Also included are two post-election surveys.

Carton 10SH 19FT DFolder 37-41

"An Analysis of Political Attitudes in the Twelfth Congressional District, Massachusetts," Feb. 1972

This survey was prepared for Gerry Studds by Cambridge Survey Research.

Carton 10SH 19FT DFolder 42-43

"An Analysis of Political Attitudes in the Twelfth Congressional District, Massachusetts," Sep. 1972

This survey was prepared for Gerry Studds by Cambridge Survey Research.

Carton 10SH 19FT DFolder 44-46

"An Analysis of Political Attitudes in the 12th Massachusetts Congressional District," Aug. 1974

This survey was prepared for Gerry Studds by Cambridge Survey Research.

Carton 10SH 19FT DFolder 47-55

"A Survey of Voter Attitudes in the Tenth Congressional District of Massachusetts," Mar. 1984

This survey was conducted by David A. Cooper Associates, Inc. and commissioned by the National Committee for an Effective Congress in preparation for Gerry Studds' 1984 re-election. The survey describes voters' attitudes toward Studds and various political issues, as well as their reaction to his Congressional censure. Sections include: "The Mood of the Electorate," "The Personalities," "The Pairings," and "The Issues." Included are many tables of data.

Carton 10SH 19FT DFolder 56-59

"A Survey of Voter Attitudes in the Tenth Congressional District of Massachusetts," July 1984

This survey was conducted by David A. Cooper Associates, Inc. and commissioned by the National Committee for an Effective Congress in preparation for Gerry Studds' 1984 re-election. The survey describes voters' attitudes toward Studds and various political issues and includes many tables of data.

Carton 10SH 19FT DFolder 60-61

"A Survey of Voter Attitudes in the Tenth Congressional District of Massachusetts," Oct. 1984

This survey was conducted by David A. Cooper Associates, Inc. and commissioned by the National Committee for an Effective Congress in preparation for Gerry Studds' 1984 re-election. The survey describes voters' attitudes toward Studds and various political issues and includes many tables of data.

Carton 10SH 19FT DFolder 62-64

"A Post-Election Survey of Voter Attitudes in the Tenth Congressional District of Massachusetts," Nov. 1984

This survey was conducted by David A. Cooper Associates, Inc. and commissioned by Gerry Studds to determine the factors that influenced his constituents' votes in the 1984 election and their sources of information. Sections include: "The Elections," "Volunteered Impressions/Decision-making Factors," "Personal Appeal: Lew Crampton and Gerry Studds," "Homosexual Issue," and "Sources of Campaign Information." Included are many tables of data.

Carton 10SH 19FT DFolder 65-70

"A Survey of Voter Attitudes in the Tenth Congressional District of Massachusetts," Feb. 1986

This survey was conducted by Cooper & Secrest Associates, Inc. and commissioned by the National Committee for an Effective Congress in preparation for Gerry Studds' 1986 re-election. The survey describes voters' attitudes toward Studds and various political issues. Sections include: "The Mood of the Electorate," "The Personalities," "The Pairings," and "The Issues." Included are many tables of data.

Carton 11SH 19FU EFolder 1-11

"A Survey of Voters' Attitudes in the 10th Congressional District of Massachusetts," Mar. 1990

This survey was conducted by Cooper & Secrest Associates, Inc. and commissioned by the Gerry Studds for Congress Committee in preparation for his 1990 re-election. The survey describes voters' attitudes toward Studds and various political issues. Sections include: "The Mood of the Electorate," "The Personalities," "The Trial Heats," and "The Issues." Included are many tables of data.

Carton 11SH 19FU EFolder 12-21

"A Postelection Survey of Voter Attitudes in the Tenth Congressional District of Massachusetts," Nov. 1990

This survey was conducted by Cooper & Secrest Associates, Inc. and commissioned by the Gerry Studds for Congress Committee to determine the factors that influenced his constituents' votes in the 1990 election, their sources of information, and the effects of political advertising. Sections include: "The 1990 Vote," "The Context," "The Personalities," and "A Look Ahead." Included are many tables of data.

Carton 11SH 19FU EFolder 22-38

"A Survey of Voter Attitudes in the Tenth Congressional District of Massachusetts," Dec. 1991

This survey was conducted by Cooper & Secrest Associates, Inc. and commissioned by the Gerry Studds for Congress Committee in preparation for his 1992 re-election. The survey describes voters' attitudes toward Studds and various political issues. Sections include: "The Context," "The Personalities," "The Trial Heats," and "The Issues." Included are many tables of data.

Carton 11SH 19FU EFolder 39-56

"A Survey of Voter Attitudes in the Tenth Congressional District of Massachusetts," Aug. 1992

This survey was conducted by Cooper & Secrest Associates, Inc. and commissioned by the Gerry Studds for Congress Committee in preparation for his 1992 re-election. The survey describes voters' attitudes toward Studds and various political issues. Sections include: "The Context," "The Personalities," "The Trial Heats," and "The Issues." Included are many tables of data.

Carton 11SH 19FU EFolder 57

"A Survey of Voter Attitudes in the Tenth Congressional District of Massachusetts," Sep. 1992

This survey was conducted by Cooper & Secrest Associates, Inc. and commissioned by the Gerry Studds for Congress Committee in preparation for his 1992 re-election. The survey describes voters' attitudes toward Studds and his opponents and includes many tables of data.

Carton 11SH 19FU EFolder 58

"A Survey of Voter Attitudes in the Tenth Congressional District of Massachusetts," Oct. 1992

This survey was conducted by Cooper & Secrest Associates, Inc. and commissioned by the Gerry Studds for Congress Committee in preparation for his 1992 re-election. The survey describes voters' attitudes toward Studds and his opponents and includes many tables of data.

Carton 12SH 19FV FFolder 1-11

"A Survey of Voter Attitudes in the Tenth Congressional District of Massachusetts," Feb. 1994

This survey was conducted by Cooper & Secrest Associates, Inc. and commissioned by the Gerry Studds for Congress Committee in preparation for his 1994 re-election. The survey describes voters' attitudes toward Studds and various political issues. Sections include: "The Mood of the Electorate," "The Personalities," "The Trial Heats," and "The Issues." Included are many tables of data.

Carton 12SH 19FV FFolder 12

"A Survey of Voter Attitudes in the Tenth Congressional District of Massachusetts," Oct. 1994

This survey was conducted by Cooper & Secrest Associates, Inc. and commissioned by the Gerry Studds for Congress Committee. The survey describes voters' attitudes toward Studds and his opponents and includes "tactical updates" and many tables of data.

III. Scrapbooks and printed matter, 1949-2003

Arranged chronologically.

This series consists of scrapbooks, clippings, and other printed matter documenting Gerry Studds' life and political career. Two of the scrapbooks were compiled by his mother, but the other compilers are unknown. Also included is the guest book from a 1997 testimonial for Studds containing personal messages to him.

Scrapbooks by Beatrice (Murphy) Studds, 1949-1985

These two biographical scrapbooks were compiled by Gerry Studds' mother, Beatrice (Murphy) Studds. The first covers Studds' life from childhood to his 1972 election victory. Included are letters, drawings, school papers, clippings, other printed matter, photographs, and postcards. The second scrapbook consists almost entirely of newspaper clippings.

Box OS 1


Stored onsite at Ms. N-2439 (OS).
Box OS 1


Stored onsite at Ms. N-2439 (OS).

Campaign scrapbooks, 1970-1986

The first of these two campaign scrapbooks contains newspaper clippings documenting Gerry Studds' unsuccessful bid for Congress against Hastings Keith in 1970. The second scrapbook includes photographs, GESture newsletters, other campaign literature, and select election results for his campaigns from 1971 to 1986.

Box OS 2


Stored onsite at Ms. N-2439 (OS).
Carton 12SH 19FV FFolder 13-19


Box OS 3

Scrapbook of clippings, 1973

Stored onsite at Ms. N-2439 (OS).
Carton 12SH 19FV FFolder 20-28

Loose newspaper clippings, 1973-1993

Carton 12SH 19FV FFolder 29

Health care newsletters, 1993-1996

Carton 12SH 19FV FFolder 30-36

Press clippings on retirement, 1995-2003

Box OS 2

Guest book, Gerry Studds testimonial, 2 Mar. 1997

Stored onsite at Ms. N-2439 (OS).

IV. Awards and citations, 1955-1997

Arranged chronologically.

This series contains awards and commendations given to Gerry Studds, including diplomas from Groton School and Yale University, three foreign service appointments signed by John F. Kennedy (1961), certificates of election to Congress, awards from advocacy organizations for his legislative accomplishments, and two plaques made with wood from the U.S.S. Constitution (1973-1974).

Oversize documents have been moved to Box OS 3. Plaques have been removed to the MHS Artifacts Collection.

Carton 12SH 19FV FFolder 37-39

Preferred Citation

Gerry E. Studds papers, Massachusetts Historical Society.

Access Terms

This collection is indexed under the following headings in ABIGAIL, the online catalog of the Massachusetts Historical Society. Researchers desiring materials about related persons, organizations, or subjects should search the catalog using these headings.


McCarthy, Eugene J., 1916-2005.
Studds, Beatrice Murphy, -1991.


United States. Coast Guard.
United States. Congress. House.
United States. Congress. House. Committee on Foreign Affairs.
United States. Congress. House. Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries.


AIDS (Disease)--Law and legislation--United States.
Cape Cod (Mass.).
Central America--Foreign relations--United States.
Election districts--Massachusetts.
Environmental policy--Massachusetts.
Environmental protection--Massachusetts.
Fishery law and legislation--Massachusetts.
Gay military personnel--United States.
Gay rights--United States.
Gay rights movement--United States.
Massachusetts--Politics and government--1951-
National parks and reserves--Massachusetts.
Political campaigns--Massachusetts.
South Shore (Mass.).
Speeches, addresses, etc., American.
United States--Economic conditions--20th century.
United States--Foreign relations--20th century.
United States--Foreign relations--Central America.
United States--Politics and government--1963-1969.
United States--Politics and government--1969-1974.
United States--Politics and government--1974-1977.
United States--Politics and government--1977-1981.
United States--Politics and government--1981-1989.
United States--Politics and government--1989-1993.
United States--Politics and government--1993-2001.
Wildlife conservation--Massachusetts.

Materials Removed from the Collection

Photographs from this collection have been removed to the MHS Photo Archives.

Two plaques made with wood from the U.S.S. Constitution (1973, 1974) have been removed to the MHS Artifacts Collection.

A copy of The Boston-Gazette, and Country Journal, No. 779 (12 Mar. 1770), containing a report on the Boston Massacre, has been removed from the collection. Another copy of this newspaper is available here.